I feel like I’m dead. I feel so much negativity around me. I know that my past few blogs have been so melancholic and here I am again writing another one. I dunno know. I just can’t help expressing myself when I feel so down. Writing is my room for venting out my angst. Just let me write with blood.
Yeah, too much anxiety for the past few days has been felt. I was paranoid. Now it’s all clear. I was enlightened. Or was I? I found the answer. Truth hurts and so as reality bites. I consider myself as a victim. Why do I always have to play that part—always the one who understands, always the one who sacrifices, always the one who cries? How can life be so unfair? When will I receive justice in all these?
I’ve got too much questions to ask. But all I receive is the same answer. It can never happen. How I wish my heart would mend itself in just a snap of a second. Please stop bleeding because it is never worth it.
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